About Us
The Walhalla Board of Management
September 2022
Crown Land reserves throughout Victoria have historically been managed by Committees of Management or in the case of Walhalla, a Board of Management. Members are appointed under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for a period of three years to manage the reserves on behalf of the Minister for Environment Land, Water and Planning. The role of Crown land reserve committees of management is formally defined in section 15 of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 to “manage, improve, maintain and control” the reserve for the purposes for which it is reserved.
DELWP, as the delegate for the Minister for Environment and Climate Action, has announced the appointment of Directors to the Walhalla Board of Management Incorporated for the upcoming term.
Board Directors 2022 – 2025
- John Fascio – Chairman
- Knowles Tivendale – Treasurer
- Madeline Prior – Secretary
- Jessica Bandiera
- Alysia Brandenburg
- John Buchecker
- Sue Campbell
- Jyoti Ghosh
The Walhalla Committee of Management has the management remit for the following areas:
The Chinese Gardens Campground
- The Long Tunnel Extended Mine
- The Mechanics Institute
- The Historic Post Office
- The Walhalla Tourist Railway (under lease)
- The Thompson-Erica Disused Railway Reserve
The Walhalla Committee of Management is focussed on improving the visitor experience, protecting and restoring assets, and contemporising systems and processes.
Tour Locations
The Long Tunnel Extended Mine Tour
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Hire the Historic Mechanics Institute
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